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Education/Qualifications: 2007 DSc (Doctor of Science, higher doctorate, analogue of Habilitation), University of Warwick, UK. 1993 PhD (kandidat fiziko-matematicheskih nauk degree) in Plasma Physics, Applied Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, N. Novgorod, Russia. 1989 State Diploma in Radiophysics, School of Radiophysics, Lobachevsky’s State University of Gorky, Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod from 1990), Russia.
ORCID: 0000-0001-6423-8286
Academic Appointments, Prizes and Fellowships held:
2007 – present |
Full Professor; Department of Physics, University of Warwick, UK. |
2016 – present |
Leading Scientist, Special Astronomical Observatory, Russia. |
2013−2020 |
International Scholar, Kyung Hee University, S Korea. |
2015 |
Institute of Physics Payne-Gaposchkin Medal and Prize. |
2013−2018 |
ERC Advanced Investigator, University of Warwick, UK. |
2011−2016 |
Leading Scientist, Main Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo, Russia. |
2012 |
JSPS Invitation Fellowship for Research, University of Kyoto, Japan. |
2004−2005 |
Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship. |
1999−2007 |
Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader; Department of Physics, University of Warwick, UK. |
1995−1999 |
Postdoctoral research fellow; School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, University of St Andrews, UK. |
1989−1995 |
Assistant professor, Associated professor (Docent) of Applied Mathematics; Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, N. Novgorod, Russia. |
Memberships and Committees:
Research Interests and activities:
Plasma astrophysics and space physics. Waves and oscillations in the solar corona: observations and theory. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) seismology of the solar corona. Mechanisms for solar coronal heating. Solar and stellar flares. Space weather. Nonlinear wave theory. Current activities include:
Publications and Conferences:
Monograph: “Coronal Seismology: Waves and Oscillations in Stellar Coronae” by A.V. Stepanov, V.V. Zaitsev and V.M. Nakariakov, Wiley-VCH, 2012, ISBN: 978-3527409945
About 270 research papers in refereed scientific journals, cited about 8000 times with the h-index of 50 (according to WoS).
More than 40 invited reviews at international conferences (including IUGG 2003, 2007, COSPAR 2006, AGU 2007, EGU 2007, AOGS General Assemblies 2010, 2017, 2019, COSPAR 2012, IAGA 2013, APSPM 2013, ICPP 2016, URSI 2016, EPSPP 2018, NAM 2019); and SOC membership at international scientific conferences (including European Solar Physics meetings 2008, 2011, 2014 (SOC Chair), 2017; EPS Conference of Plasma Physics 2009; JENAM 2009, 2011; AGU Chapman 2014; RadioSun 2014, 2015, 2016; VarSITI 2017).
Management and Supervision:
Journal Editorship:
Invited lecturing since 2014:
Lecture courses on Solar Physics at Harbin Institute of Technology in Shenzhen (China, 12 2-hour lectures, 2019), Higher School of Economics (Russia, 10 lectures, 2017), Kyung Hee University (Korea, 8 lectures, 2015), Monash University (Australia, 4 lectures, 2014), 4 lectures at the School on Modern Astronomy (St Petersburg, Russia, 2014); invited lecturing at several Advanced and Introductory PPARC/STFC Summer Schools on Space and Solar Physics, UK (2000-2017).
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Адрес редакции: 298409
п. Научный, Бахчисарайский р-н,
Крымская астрофизическая обсерватория
Тел. +7 (36554) 7–11–61, FAX +7 (36554) 7–10–04
ISSN print: 0367-8466, ISSN online: 3034-4107
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Издатель: Киселев Н.Н., пос. Московский, Москва, РФ. Учредитель: ФГБУН "КрАО РАН", 298409, пгт Научный, Бахчисарайский р-н, Крым
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
"Известия Крымской астрофизической обсерватории", 2003–2025